Google has been officially confirming updates to the Google core algorithm for a few years now. Recently it has even begun to forewarn of updates, and on Monday evening the official Twitter account @searchlisaon wrote:
A short time later, a further Tweet confirmed that the roll-out was beginning. As always, it takes a while until changes in search results are measurable. Through the daily Visibility Index data the Toolbox we detected the first, small changes and then on Thursday the much more visible movements.
Does big change is this?
Google is adjusting its trust in entire domains based on machine learning for these Core Updates. The more trust and credibility a domain has from its sector, the bigger the potential change when Google adjust this value internally. One can see it well in the health and finance sectors, which, since the start of the Core Update process have seen changes that are proportionally greater than others.
With the last Core Update, Google widened the circle of affected domains and the trend continues. In the daily Visibility Index data for mobile search results, you’ll see the first reactions from the 15th to the 16th of January.
Google remains on the same path with this core update: Domains that relate to YMYL (Your Money, Your Life) topics have been re-evaluated by the search algorithm and gain or lose visibility as a whole. Domains that have previously been affected by such updates are more likely to be affected again. The absolute fluctuations appear to be decreasing with each update – Google is now becoming more certain of its assessment and does not deviate as much from the previous assessment.